moving to Colorado

Hey, guys. Jason here with 303 Insurance Brokers and I wanted to share another insurance tip of the day with you. One of the common questions that I get right now is about out of state movers.

Why More and More People Are Moving To Colorado

I’m working with a lot out of state movers. They’re relocating to Colorado, a beautiful place to live, 300 days of sunshine a year. So I can’t blame them for wanting to come to this beautiful State.

Auto Insurance is Regulated By The State

One of the things that I help many of them with is how and when they get their Colorado insurance. When do we update it? The general rule of thumb, wherever you live in this country, is that auto insurance is regulated by the State.

So, wherever your vehicle is registered is typically where you want to move the insurance. Once you move to Colorado and establish residency, the state statute is you have 90 days to get your vehicle registered in Colorado. 

What You Need To Get A Colorado Insurance for Your Car

  1. You want to plan and schedule a time to go to the Colorado Department of Motor Vehicles
  2. Make sure you’ve got a DMV appointment two or three days beforehand. If we want to finalize and start your Colorado insurance, you have to get your registration. We want to tie those two days together.
  3. It is a better and common idea to start looking for insurance anywhere from one to two weeks before making that policy change to starting that Colorado policy so we can get you the best prices available.

Getting A Better Insurance Policy and Competitive Premium

A lot of times, a lot of my insurance carriers offer early shopping discounts. For example, one of our insurance carriers provides 14 days. Most of them provide eight days, and some of them give only two or three days. 

For out of state movers, it helps me get you a better rate if we have more time to shop for home insurance and auto insurance. So it is crucial to plan and schedule ahead of time for registering your vehicle and Colorado license plates, which you need to do and complete within the first 90 days of moving to Colorado.

Suppose I can help you or if you just moved here. I would love to help get you situated and settle in. So reach out to me at or (303) 506-2755. We’ll talk to you real soon.

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