winter home maintenance

Hey, guys. Jason here with 303 Insurance Brokers and I wanted to give you another insurance tip of the day. What I want to talk about today is fall is here. Winter is quickly approaching, and let’s make sure that you do some home maintenance to get ready for the winter.

Home Maintenance Checklist

  1. Get your sprinklers blown out
  2. Make sure you disconnect your hoses. These are all super important things. If these pipes were to break on the exterior of your house, it’s considered outside groundwater. Then that could back up and flood into your basement. It’s typically not a covered loss because the water started and souped into your house from the exterior.
  3. Isolate exposed pipes in your attic and basement to keep them from breaking out.
  4. Make sure you disconnect and open up all of your faucets, Spigot on the outside. 
  5. Turn off faucets and outside hoses, clean water lines, and isolate them to prevent water leakage in your yard.

Outside Groundwater 

So it’s treated the same as a flood. So even though it may not be a flood of the whole neighborhood, it would be a flood of your property and typically not covered by home insurance.

That little bit of work could save you potentially a lot of money, whether it’s in the springtime when you go to turn everything back on.

Winter’s quickly approaching

So, fall’s coming. Winter’s quickly approaching. Make sure you do some routine maintenance around your house, around your sprinkler system, and your outside Spigot, and you’ll be much happier. If you have any questions or want a free insurance review, reach out to me, Jason, at my 303 or 303-506-2755, and we’ll talk to you soon.

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