One of the things we don’t necessarily talk about a lot with your auto insurance but is vastly important as part of your policy is your uninsured motorist coverage.
What is Uninsured Motorist Coverage?
Uninsured motorist coverage is super important because if you are not at fault in an accident and the other driver, the responsible one, is uninsured, or maybe they carry state minimum limits (someone who does not have enough insurance), or worst, does a hit and run. So to make up the difference, you can carry uninsured motorist coverage or underinsured motorist coverage on your auto insurance policy. So you’re paying for self-insurance protection when you pay for underinsured motorist coverage.
Best Practices
Important things to note with an uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage is we can match your bodily limits. So the higher a bodily limit that you carry, the higher we can match your uninsured motorist. In some cases, we can even add uninsured motorist coverage to your umbrella insurance policy.
I’ve got a client that we got signed up for last week. They carry very high liability limits of $250,000 per person, $500,000 per accident. They carry the same for their uninsured motorist, and they could endorse their umbrella policy within another million dollars of uninsured motorists. So, if they get injured by an uninsured motorist or an underinsured motorist and get severely injured in an accident, they’ve got $1.25 million to $1. 5 million dollars that they’re paying for insurance coverages to protect themselves against another party that may be irresponsible.
Talk To An Insurance Agent
So, uninsured motors is very, very important. But, unfortunately, you can reject it in the state of Colorado, and I think many people have unknowingly done that when you’re sometimes signing up for the cheapest insurance out there.
So, if you want to learn more about uninsured motors coverage or see if we can get you better coverage, reach out to me at or 303-506-2755, and we’ll talk to you soon.
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