Hey guys, Jason here with 303 Insurance Brokers. I wanted to give you another great insurance tip of the week. This tip coming from a referral that I recently received from one of my best roofing partnerships, and he had just wrapped up with a client, gave her a beautiful new roof.
The roof was an impact-resistant shingle and new siding, and he really encouraged her to go out and shop for a new insurance policy. So that’s what my tip is about today.
The Best Time To Shop For New Insurance Policy
If you’re going for a new roof on your house, if you get new siding, if you have anything that happened to your house to improve it, it’s a great time to look for a new Home Insurance Policy.
See if you can get a better rate, see if you can get better coverage, or not. There’s a lot of things to look at. So this specific client was paying $2,300 a year. For her old insurance policy, her new insurance policy that took into account the new roof, the new siding is $1,300. That’s a thousand dollars savings for her. $75 a month was very awesome for her to save. She was super excited about it.
Reach Out To Your Insurance Agent
Suppose you’re making any major home improvement. A new roof, a new siding, a new kitchen, then these are times to go back and review your current home insurance. Then decide to either shop for new insurance or at least talk to your insurance agent to make sure they’re accounted for in your policy.
Update Your Insurance Policy To Save Money
It’s crazy how many times I’ve seen clients get new roofs, but their insurance agent did not update their existing roof age in the policy, and they never capture that new roof savings. That new roof discount is crazy in my mind. So if you get a new roof, if you have a roof climbed, a great time to shop for insurance, and I’m happy to help you do that here with 303 Insurance Brokers.
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