When we talk about auto insurance, driving a car is probably the most significant liability we have every time we get behind the wheels. This is why I always advise my client to increase their liability limit for auto insurance. Learn more about car insurance.

Why Increasing your Liability Limit for Auto Insurance is Important

It’s one of the most dangerous activities that we do, whether we want to admit it or not, whether we’re aggressive drivers or not aggressive drivers. Ultimately, there’s a lot of traffic on the road. Here in Colorado, we have snowstorms and everything else like that to make driving treacherous.

So it’s the most. Dangerous daily activity that we do. So one of the things I speak with a lot of my clients about is increasing their liability limits for auto insurance. I had another one of those opportunities this past week. It’s pretty incredible how inexpensive it is to increase your liability amounts.

How Much It Will Cost to Double your Liability Limit

What insurance isn’t designed for is wear and tear your things wearing out. Having a roof that is 35 years old now, and it’s starting to leak. That’s not the design of insurance.

So I had a client that their current liability was 5,150. That’s broken out $50,000 per person, per accident in liability, $100,000 per accident. That’s going to cover everybody that may have gotten hurt and then $50,000 in property damage. I put a proposal for these guys that raise that amount from 5,150 to two 5,500 100, plus an additional $1 million liability umbrella, grand freight total of $35 more a month. So we’re taking their purpose and liability from $50,000 to 1.2, $5 million, we adding two zeros to that.

We’re giving them an extreme amount, more coverage for $35 a year. Plus, their uninsured motorists also got an added benefit from 5,100 up to two 5,500.

So they are now also better protected if somebody hits them who is either uninsured or under-insured motorist. I would encourage everybody to look at their liability limit for auto insurance right now and understand what it will cost to bump up your liability limits? Do you want to double them? What does that look to increase your liability limit for auto insurance?

What does that cost per month? And you may realize that it’s so cheap. You can’t afford that to do it.

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