Hey guys, Jason here with 303 Insurance Brokers, and I wanted to share an insurance tip of the day. I want to talk about life insurance today and what triggers you to want to go out and get life insurance. When talking about life insurance, a lot of people think about different life changing events that trigger you to think about life insurance.

4 Important Life Changing Events

So we want to talk about some of that real quick. What are those life event triggers?

  1. Provide for lost income: When you get married is a great trigger. You and your spouse depend on each other’s income to maintain your lifestyle and everything along those lines. 
  2. Having Children – Help cover bills and debts. Another one has children. Having children is a huge factor for making sure that you have life insurance or even adding additional coverage to your life insurance
  3. Buying a home: Reduces Stress, how this 30-year commitment, this mortgage, you want your significant other to be on the life insurance policy.
  4. Medical bills and funeral expenses: Final expense insurance is life insurance designed to cover medical bills and funeral expenses when you pass.

Single or Married Getting Life Insurance Is Important

Even if you’re single, you would think about all these big picture items for life insurance too. Say a single individual that’s renting. Why would you need life insurance? You could do it as small as end-of-life expense insurance, maybe $10,000 to $20,000, to ensure that your family doesn’t have to carry the burden for the funeral cost. You have your funeral service and just the cost associated with somebody passing.

Make Sure You Update Your Life Insurance When You Made A Life Changing Event

So, whether you’re a single individual, whether you’ve hit a life changing events , we at 303 Insurance Brokers can help determine what’s the right type of insurance and how much insurance you need to protect your risk best. Reach out to me at, Jason@my303insurance.com or call us at 303 506 2755.

And we’ll talk to you real soon.

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