Hey guys, Jason here with today’s insurance tip of the day. I was talking with a client recently who was, unfortunately, in an auto accident. A drunk driver hit her that sent her to the hospital, and the kind of conversation we were having is that the drunk driver does not have uninsured motorist coverage. He didn’t have auto insurance, but they had a state minimum policy.

Why You Need It

So that policy was only going to pay out $25,000 per person for the injury. Well, she had to be taken by ambulance to the hospital, CT scans, and a couple of other things. Her ER bill was $40,000. Now you can do the quick math, $25,000 of coverage, $40,000 bill. 

4 Reasons To Get An Uninsured Motorist Coverage

  1. Medical bills
  2. Lost wages due to unable to work because of the accident
  3. Missing time from work for the follow-up medical appointments
  4. Pain and suffering

This individual did not even have enough insurance to cover her medical bills. Let alone the lost wages that she suffered by not being able to go to work, missing time from work for the follow-up medical appointments, and everything like that, as well as with the pain and suffering, she did break a bone in her body.

Don’t Depend On Others To Have Proper Insurance.

Today’s insurance tip of the day is, is making sure that you can never depend on the other driver to have proper auto insurance, but you can rely on yourself for having the appropriate auto insurance.

Uninsured motorist coverage is critical in the state of Colorado. Right now, we know medical bills are skyrocketing. Suppose you can’t work for some time due to somebody hitting another driver, hitting you in an accident. In that case, the pain and suffering your uninsured motorist coverage on your policy can come in to help with that.

If you don’t know what uninsured motorist coverage is, if you don’t know if you have enough on your auto insurance policy, reach out to me. I’ll do a complimentary insurance review for you, Jason, with 303 Insurance Brokers, and you have a great day.

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