filing an insurance claim

One of the things I encourage all my clients to do, as I get them signed up for their home insuranceauto insurancecommercial insurance, or product we’re offering, is always to reach out to me before filing an insurance claim.

Do An Insurance Claim Assessment

Let’s do a claim assessment. Let’s look into the claim. Let’s do a little bit of homework, and let’s make sure that before filing an insurance claim or we’re only going to file a claim if it’s in your best interest as the owner, and a lot of times, there’s a financial implication to it.

So, we need to know things before we file a claim, and so often, let’s get a professional in there to give us their opinion on what it will cost or how extensive the damage is. Remember, you always have to pay your deductible, whether $1,000 or $25,000 or some clients even prefer a higher deductible.

Securing a “Claims Free” Discount

You need to know that when filing an insurance claim with some policies, if you haven’t filed a claim in a long time, you may be losing a discount, a claims-free discount, or you may also be surcharged for having a claim filed against you. So, a lot of times, there may be a circumstance where you’ve got $3,000 to $5,000 worth of damage to your home that you could easily file a claim for, but it may not be in your best interest to file a claim. So, those are things that I like to help my clients with.

Affecting Your Future Insurability

Let’s do some pre-claims at homework. Let’s look at the situation. Let’s bring professionals in. Let’s get some opinions. Let’s get our ducks in are row before we file a claim with the insurance company because once you start that claims process, it could even if the insurance claim doesn’t pay out anything, it could affect your future Insurability. I always like to help my clients understand that before filing a claim. 

So, if you have any questions about a claim or damage on your property, whether it’s covered or not covered, contact us at 303 Insurance Brokers. You can reach me directly at (303) 506-2755 or, and we’ll talk to you soon.

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